Mission Statement
I had a teacher who once told me you need to spend all of your time just practicing, and you can wait until you are older to enjoy life. As I progress in my musical journey and learn more about myself as an artist, I firmly believe that one needs to experience life to create music. Musicians are artists, and beautiful art is inspired and shaped by life experiences. A balance of hard work and enjoying life is what inspires me to do what I do. My musical expression is centered around the idea of embracing authenticity and vulnerability. I aim to break the toxic cycles that permeate the professional music world and harvest healthy performance practices. Music is a collaborative art form. My practice is centered on collaboration and building connections with other artists, and not to bring each other down, but rather lift each other up. In performance I am expressive and passionate, and I don’t hold back on what I want to convey to the audience.
Isadora is a cellist who is active in the San Diego area. She has over 16 years of classical training in cello. She is not limited to one genre, she performs in multiple styles whether it is in the pit of a musical theater production, in a rock band, jazz ensemble, mariachi ensemble, new music ensemble, or a symphony orchestra.
Isadora was born in San Antonio, Texas but never really ever felt like she had one place she could call her hometown. She grew up as a military brat, and has lived overseas in Japan and Italy. Isadora started playing cello at the age of 8 years old. She accredits her musical influences and expression to her diverse travels and unique experiences. Isadora has studied music with professional musicians all over the world, including the countries Japan, Italy, and Germany.
In 2022, Isadora earned a bachelor’s degree in cello performance with honors from Bob Cole Conservatory at California State University Long Beach under the guidance of Joon Sung Jun. She is currently working on a master’s degree in cello performance under the guidance of San Diego Symphony’s principal cellist, the esteemed Yao Zhao.
During her graduate studies, Isadora conducted research on autistic musicians, and presented her findings at the annual 2023 SDSU Student Symposium. She is passionate about neurodiversity advocacy and allyship, this goes hand in hand in her identity as an artist. Her goal is to destigmatize Autism, embrace it as a part of human diversity, and highlight the autistic traits that define these musicians and their craft.
California State University Long Beach (CSULB)
Bachelor of Music (B.M.), Performance, Concentration in Strings, cum laude
San Diego State University (SDSU)
Master of Music (M.M.), Performance, Concentration in Strings
San Diego State Symphony Orchestra (Principal Chair)│2022-Present
San Diego State Chamber Orchestra (Principal Chair)│2023-Present
San Diego State Advanced Chamber Group│2023-Present
Bob Cole Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra│2018-2022
Amici Concert Artist Cello Ensemble│ 2018- 2022
SWARMIUS │2024-Present
Coronado Philharmonia│2023
Coronado Playhouse│2024-Present
San Diego Philharmonia │2024-Present
Amicitia Chamber Orchestra│2024-Present
Masterclass with Santiago Cañón Valencia│May 2024
(Flores I. , 2023) “Autistic Musicality: Viewed Through the Lens of the Neurodiversity Model of Autism” Selected to give presentation at the 16th Annual San Diego State University Student Symposium │ March 3, 2023
Music Scholarship at Bob Cole Conservatory (CSULB)│2018-2022
1st place in the Music Teachers' Association of California (MTAC) Solo Competition, Monterey CA │ 2018
Musical: Perfect Pitch, Music Composition and Songwriting, Recording, Conducting, Improvisation, Music Theory, Teaching, Multi-Instrumentalist
Technical: MacOS, Windows, MS Office Suite, Finale, GarageBand, Logic, Audacity
Other: Leadership, team-work, collaboration, adaptability, dedication, attention to detail, Neurodiversity advocacy and research